Help Surfers For Climate draw a line in the sand on oil & gas in our ocean!
Our buddies at SFC are leading the charge to make history in NSW.
Right now, there is legislation being reviewed by the NSW Parliament Environment and Planning Committee that can see NSW become the first State in the country to ban oil and gas exploration and production in coastal waters, as well as prohibiting infrastructure that would support oil and gas mining in Commonwealth Waters.
Want PEP-11 dead? This legislation pretty much kicks the shit out of it…
Right now, we need to make sure that the Environment and Planning Committee tasked with reviewing the Bill understands that there is a BIG community of surfers and salty legends like you out there who want to make sure our coastal ecosystems are protected from future oil and gas exploration.
So, how can you help make NSW the first State in the country to ban oil and gas offshore?
It takes 2 minutes, simply click this link and fill out the online survey. SFC will compile the data and neatly deliver a powerful, community-strengthened submission to the committee so they understand, without a doubt, that coastal communities of NSW want politicians to paddle deep and take the late drop for our ocean.